Sandy Luk, Chief Executive at the Marine Conservation Society, said: Today marks a fantastic win for our seas, as MPs voted in favour of a deposit return scheme in England and Northern Ireland. With plans already in motion in Scotland and the Welsh Government exploring an ambitious scheme to include reuse, this is a great step towards schemes starting across the UK in October 2027.  Am I living on another planet? Scotland has already done the work on this and we were ready to get it underway BUT the Westminster Government would not allow us. The Scottish Government is being taken to court by BiffaRead More →

Keir Starmer is in danger of becoming another sound bite Prime Minister. Loves a good press statement in people’s workplaces, making them listen while not getting on with their work. Putting into action and achieving seem to be a bit challenging for him though. This week we had the announcement that he wants to be big in AI computing. He made reference to Skills England being part of this. Just months ago he removed £800 million from an AI project being done at Edinburgh University. There seems to be a pattern of removing funding from projects in Scotland then announcing spending on similar projects inRead More →

New year, but the same old games going on. The Scottish budget is due to be debated and voted on next month. The Greens have a very inflated opinion of themselves. They still see themselves as king makers. The rest of us see them for what they are. They rejoice in threatening to bring down Government bills unless their less than popular ideas get given passage. Meanwhile we have the never-ending vicious Ms Baillie criticising everything the Scottish Government does and Anas Sarwar siding with the UK Labour leader despite his decisions going against what people want. If team Anus had their way, not onlyRead More →

Just how is this right? Used to be politicians using foodbanks to promote themselves………….but the King??? What message is he trying to give us? That he cares about us? I’ll tell you what message I am getting. He is telling me it is perfectly acceptable for his people to be needy enough to have to go ask for free handouts. This is the same attitude that the well heeled held in his grannie’s day. In their finery, they would visit the poorhouses and boast about the fundraising they did for the people whose jobs they had removed and therefore could no longer keep a roofRead More →

Since the sudden death of Alex Salmond, social media has been a pretty unpleasant place.  Mainstream media took every news opportunity to go over the past few years, using their own library footage. On social media there were pedestals, totally false claims, calls for unification of pro-independence groups and, from a few, some very disruptive language. Meanwhile, in the only organisation that gets the majority votes at the ballot box for independence, some movement is appearing. The Chief Executive has stepped down. The stand in actually has work experience of being a Chief Executive. All sorts of consultation is taking place. There are group talksRead More →

Something tells me that today (Wednesday 18 September) is not going as well as the unionists wanted it to, despite MSM trying its best to assist them. It started early today with social media being used to post statements and pictures showing support for independence is still here. As usual. Lots of different styles and imagination. This evening there are a breadth of demonstrations by various groups the length of the country. Yet still, the MSM are spouting the Tory mantra that we don’t want it, we don’t have the support. One thing they have got right is that nobody is going anywhere. Well, exceptRead More →

Tuesday saw the vote in the House of Commons to try and block the removal of the winter fuel from all pensioners. 53 Labour MPs abstained, it is thought two of them were Scottish MPs. Some newspapers are referring to this as a rebellion. How ridiculous, nothing like a rebellion. The meaning of ‘rebellion’ is ‘an outbreak against authority’. Sitting on your hands and refusing to speak up for your constituents is simply mere cowardice. Pleasing their master and protecting their future progress within their party. It is high time MPs were made accountable for their voting behaviour. Individuals feel they are unable to makeRead More →

I am at a total loss as to people’s understanding of money. The unionist parties are determined to have us believe that the black hole in the Scottish Governments budget is the fault of the SNP. They keep waving the report by the allegedly independent Scottish Fiscal Commission. I looked up the commission, some senior professors in areas of finance, a banker or two and some economists and accountants. Many seem to have worked in UK and Scottish Governments. They work with the Scottish Government and also with a few of Westminster’s departments. What has been lifted from the report, which the unionists want toRead More →

Sadly, the Scottish Government is having to look again about what it can afford within the tight budget allowed us by the Westminster Government. I am sure those of you who read this are well aware that all the money generated by Scots goes to the Westminster coffers. They then decide what percentage of that can be returned to us to spend on our people and their future. Everyone, who paid attention, knew that there was going to be a huge deficit in the Westminster Governments budget. I mean, nobody can keep giving money away to their pals like the Tories did and expect allRead More →

That’s all it took for them to turn their backs on the voters. Just the start of breaking all the ‘promises’ made during the election. Last week we had every Scottish Labour MP vote against reversing the 2 child tax policy brought in by the Tories. Anas Sarwar and Jackie Baillie have not been seen since. They campaigned heavily on this issue. The Labour MPs who did vote to reverse it have been suspended from the party. Has Starmer just given Jeremy Corbyn supporters? This week, the Chancellor has just taken the winter heating allowance away from all pensioners not on top up credits. AtRead More →