The King is to open 2 foodbanks to mark his 76th Birthday

Just how is this right? Used to be politicians using foodbanks to promote themselves………….but the King??? What message is he trying to give us? That he cares about us?

I’ll tell you what message I am getting. He is telling me it is perfectly acceptable for his people to be needy enough to have to go ask for free handouts. This is the same attitude that the well heeled held in his grannie’s day. In their finery, they would visit the poorhouses and boast about the fundraising they did for the people whose jobs they had removed and therefore could no longer keep a roof over their heads or feed their families.

Meanwhile the King is taking money from the much-needed public services. How can it be right that the Royal family can be making millions of pounds by renting space to our public services and charities, while the said charities are pleading with us via tv, radio and newspapers to make monthly donations to prevent people dying from neglect, cold, wars, homelessness, illness. Why is it that they can get from the public purse, when people working in the public sector have to plead and threaten to get a cost of living pay rise. How many wage rises could the increase in the King’s allowance have paid for, this year alone? It seems to be perfectly alright for certain people to keep taking from the public purse, despite having millions squirreled away. Yet the pensioner along the street has a couple of hundred more in their bank account than the allowed threshold, and their allowances are taken away.

That smirking grin staring at me from screens is really making me angry. No way have the attitudes in this colony moved on from hundreds of years ago. Entitlement remains the right of the few, and the rest of us can just scrape along as best we can. Look around the world. The fairest countries are all small and independent. Start getting angry and protesting. There is only one way out of all this nonsense. Vote for Independence! We are not any less able to do it than all the other wee countries that have succeeded.

1 Comment

  1. It makes you so weary – this is the polar opposite of what the normal decent people of Scotland would expect in a society in the 21st century.
    The shame of the political elite allowing this inequality (and I include the SNP in this), to happen will make future generations shake their heads in disbelief.

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