A new political organisation has been born. Apparently, the aim is to bring together people who don’t like to belong to a political party, to discuss, debate, form policies and field list candidates. Lifted from the about section of their facebook page ‘The Alliance for Independence was created to give YES, Indy groups and individuals a voice in Scotland’s parliament and to remove as many non indy msp’s as possible.’ They wish to attract all small bands of independence supporters and YES groups. My take on the reason there are so many small groups of independence supporters is because they all can’t get on together.Read More →

In recent months there has been a plethora of debate about tactics for the second, list, vote in the Scottish Parliamentary General Election next year. With more opinions and assertions than I could shake the proverbial stick at. Very few accompanied by an analysis I have to say. One thing they tend to share is an acceptance that anyone voting SNP in the 1st paper can be readily transferred on a whim. WRONG! One because lots of people will vote SNP 1 & 2 regardless. Two because lots of folk were persuaded to do that in 2016 with very little extra to show for it.Read More →

“We need the SNP signed up to a Manifesto for Independence which they’ve been ‘persuaded’ to adopt by a united Yes movement” Just read that aloud and ask in which universe the SNP need to be persuaded on Independence. We’ve been knocking on doors, delivering leaflets and marching for in my case since 1967! The arrogance to think I need to be persuaded on Independence is the kind of attitude which turns me off and I find it hard to believe will persuade voters to see this as a serious contribution to the debate. Saw the above in a facebook post today. I have noRead More →

The new under-secretary of state for Scotland has been appointed. An English MP. Does this mean that he trusts no Scottish MPs, not even his own Tories? Watching things play out in the USA this past week my other half commented that some of the scenes were reminiscent of events in the 50s and 60s. My comment was that things are not too different in the UK at the moment. Class, Race and how much money you have still separates us. These things still determine what kind of life you will have. At the moment they are determining whether you live or die. Westminster hasRead More →

On Monday of this week the BBC Scotland journalist asked the First Minister if the building of the Louisa Jordon health facility was a waste of taxpayer’s money as it may never be used. She would have been the first to criticise it not being there if the cases requiring hospitalisation exceeds our normal capacity. On Tuesday of this week a BBC Scotland reporter asked the First Minister if the downturn in the economy was worth it to save lives. I thought I was mishearing but no, some of my friends heard him say it too. If that question does not flag up his politicalRead More →

It’s part of our daily language just now. Our days revolve around the First Minister’s statement. I was so glad when our Scottish Government decided to take the initiative in dealing with the coronas virus in our country. I am one of the immense band of self employed creators that are going to be among the hardest hit by this, but the bottom line is that if we survive things can be repaired. If we don’t comply, we may not survive. I am finding the media a pain in the proverbial, more so than normal. Severe language is being used inappropriately and the level ofRead More →

This Coronavirus is really showing our human race up for what it is. Maggie Thatcher’s policy of ‘me first’ has well and truly matured. It is not a pretty sight. Thanks to the UK parliaments lack of leadership and over reporting by media of scare stories from other countries, some people have shown their true colours. Yes, they may be panicked but that is still no excuse for the way they are behaving. Last night I read a comment on social media that a woman was buying gluten free products because the shelves were empty of the normal product. When challenged she said the coeliacsRead More →

Silly old me. I thought that this month the trial being heard in Edinburgh (of which we will not comment during the course of) would be the smokescreen that would hide what Westminster was up to. How wrong could I be? Sadly, something that has a much more profound effect on people has been spreading around the world and arrived here in each of the home countries. The Coronavirus has given the media in each of the UK countries an excuse to go into overdrive. We get a full 15 to 20 minutes on the main British news programmes followed by a further 15 minutesRead More →

This week saw the embarrassing scene in Brussels of the Brexit party taking their leave of the European Parliament. Brash, noisy, insulting and oh so imperialist. Broke the rules and had to be spoken to from the chair. Totally turning their backs on Europe but expecting that same Europe to co-operate with them in future deals. In comparison the SNP MEPs became part of a Friends of Scotland group. Europeans willing to support Scotland in our efforts to regain entry to Europe in our own right. Aileen’s speech asking the parliament to welcome us back when the time comes was warmly received and the MEPsRead More →

What did you think of President Trump’s New Year gift to the world? Don’t know about you but I am holding my breath. Meanwhile, despite quotes from our Prime Minister, has he been seen?  Seems to be a pattern here of world leaders who think they can ignore what is happening to their people so long as they are leading the life they want. Imagine the Australian Prime Minister even thinking he could go off on an exotic holiday while his Country burns? The true heroes of the Australian situation are those who are helping each other. I simply cannot watch the carnage that isRead More →