On Tuesday the new MPs from all parties started descending on Westminster. Scottish Labour had their group photo taken outside number 10 Downing Street. The railings had been bedecked with St George’s flag bunting. Perhaps it was there to support the England football team. This is, however, the Government of the UK. For once it should have been Union flag bunting. Never understand the confusion some folk have about which flag for which event. So, who has started the tally notebook on backtracking and non delivery? Jackie Bailey has started by wanting to privatise as many areas of our NHS as they possibly can. WonderRead More →

This absolutely cracks me up. What an absolute waste of money, time and fake promises. Scottish Liberal Democrats, Scottish Labour and Scottish Conservatives and unionist party do not exist as stand alone parties. They are treated the way Scotland is by the UK Government, as a minor region. Alex Cole Hamilton made huge claims regarding social care and NHS. Areas where they could just pluck a figure out of the air, as the polling shows that their masters have no chance of coming close enough to have any influence on UK policy, and therefore have some influence on funding for Scotland. Douglas Ross has totallyRead More →

Presented as a shock surprise, it was anything but. The parties had been geared up and campaigning for some time. Thanks to the impartiality of the British mainstream media, rumours are abounding with no fact checking whatsoever. One rumour is that Labour activists in the NE of Scotland have been instructed to move south to the central belt to campaign. Comes as  no surprise to me as Labour have been dwindling here for a long time. What has been annoying this household is the persistent style of campaigning by the Unionist parties. SNP constantly bad while delivering for the Scottish people what Westminster is denyingRead More →

Once again, the Scottish branches of the unionist parties have absolutely no interest in what happens to the SNP. We are merely pawns in their game of who will control the Westminster Parliament. The SNP are merely punch bags, so they don’t actually knock lumps out of each other. They care not a jot whether we are doing a good or a bad job, just so long as the media is reporting that we are doing a very bad job. I have dipped in and out of different social media posts over the past few days. Some people are making comments that explain their thinking,Read More →

Debate on the radio recently has made me wonder. Do the fiercest defenders of everything to do with the union and the associations with the Great in Britain, come from certain backgrounds? Parts of society who defiantly oppose any form of change or modernisation.  The debate that got me thinking was about the future of the Commonwealth Games. I grew up in a time when the Commonwealth was fairly prominent in our lives. I even did the Commonwealth Knowledge badge when I was in the guides. Listening to the people in athletics being interviewed, there did not seem to be the same enthusiasm at insisting that these games continue.Read More →

Another Scottish Unionist takes up a seat in the house of Lords. This results in a Moray tory MSP slipping in from the Highland region list. This is the person who, when a tory Councillor, described things like free school meals as wee treats. I’ll bet he has never stood behind a young parent in a shop and saw them asking the assistant to take back some basic items. I have seen it in my village shop. Have you ever had the pleasure of visiting your MP at Westminster? The dining room is full of people who get to claim expenses, getting top quality subsidisedRead More →

– information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote a political cause or point of view: My goodness, have we been subjected to this of late! I remember the Covid period (it hasn’t gone away by the way) where it was highly contagious, and we were guided by governments.  The UK government were all over the place, being led by the Prime Minister of the time, who could take nothing seriously and could not follow advice. Meantime, in Scotland we had a team who took the situation very seriously. Politics were thrown aside in the interest of keeping the people safe. Programmes like OffRead More →

Last year we, rightly, stood by Ukraine and supported them in their attempt to prevent Russia taking their country by means of war. I supported local lads by donating warm clothing, that I had knitted, as well as good quality second hand clothing, for their autumn trip to deliver aid for winter. Come late autumn, early winter, and trouble starts in the middle east. Ever since the jews were given an area of Palestinian land to call Israel, there has been unrest. USA, UK and other European countries saw this as a way to appease the Jewish population for what had been done to them in the first third ofRead More →

I suspect that the next General Election, whether it’s in Spring, Summer, Autumn or Winter this year, will turn not on which Party has the most positive platform or indeed charismatic Leader. It’s looking increasingly likely that it will in fact be a vote against a tired, corrupt and immoral Tory Government which has patently run out of steam and in favour of a boring, clueless and utterly uninspiring Labour Party which is devoid of policy, principle or ambition even before polling day never mind after years in Government. Labour do though have one big thing going for them: they’re not the Tory Party. If ever there was an electionRead More →

The Covid enquiry happening in London is certainly proving to me that many of my thoughts at the time were more correct than I could have imagined. I shudder when I see the replays of Boris Johnson in action. His buffooning around was obviously a diversion to take our minds away from what his colleagues were up to, or is that crediting him too much? Did they simply see they could hide things while he was centre stage? I just had to copy this from Diane Abbott MP’s facebook :- ‘Nothing kinder, more reasonable or more decent about Sunak than there is about Johnson. Johnson was just feckless.Read More →