Well, every day is an adventure when tracking the goings on at Westminster.  Our Prime Minister has not covered himself with glory, or led any kind of example.  I buried my husband exactly one year ago.  At 63 too young, and although he was fighting prostate cancer it was Covid which ended his life.  We were allowed only 20 people including the funeral director and staff.  For a man who was so well liked, involved in rugby and motor sport and loved life, his departure from his community was sad, and his passing without friends and family was cruel. So you can understand, like soRead More →

So there is a wee shuffle around in Downing Street. We really are being taken for fools. Same faces, different titles and the new leader of the Commons is under investigation for how he treated a female, Muslim MP. As I heard a comedian state on the radio ‘they are doing me out of a job’. The really scary thing though is how the ordinary working people are being treated. We already have the lowest paid having to choose between food and heat. Remember these are not skivers, they are very low paid and often juggling more than one job. People who pay up frontRead More →

Perhaps nothing has served to illustrate just how small minded the UK media and political establishments are than the events of the last few weeks. Narrow, insular and utterly irrelevant hardly even describe the UK “role” in the world. As the debates raged across the globe about the prospects of the Russians invading Ukraine, here we were given a daily dose of which “party / work event” has now been “discovered” and a side serving of Adele having to cancel some concerts in Las Vegas! Not even a mention of the queues of traffic clogging up the access to the Port of Dover. The Met,Read More →

Tom Gibson started collating and binding copies of the Scots Independent as far back as the 1940s, we believe (please feel free to correct me if this is inaccurate). When Ian Hamilton became the Business Manager, Kenneth (Ken) Fee was the keeper of the archive collection. At some point Ken suggested that Ian take over this role. We made the trip to Glasgow and transferred the archive to our house. With the help of subscribers, and the Mitchell Library in Glasgow, Ian was able to track down many of the missing issues As younger members joined the board of directors, thoughts turned to more thingsRead More →

Each week you think you have seen and heard it all. Then you get to the next week and go “nope, there’s more”. I find the Prime Minister neither amusing, effective, sexy or indeed anything but an immense embarrassment. I’d go so far as imply he and his little gang are having more of a negative effect on the 4 nations mental health than covid 19 and the restrictions. I don’t think I have ever come across such a serial liar in my life. It has been announced that Lady Mone is being investigated about her VIP tracking to get a PPE contract. What isRead More →

The independence movement is not a make-or-break gamble, but a break-to-make impetus for both Scotland and Britain It was the last day in 2020, and when the clocks struck twelve, the Union eventually and officially left another Union. A year since then, the Prime Minister’s nostalgically forward-thinking Global Britain project has been well carried out, and now no one could question the competitiveness of Britain and its global standing in the number of daily new Covid-19 cases. 2021 was a remarkable year, it opened with crisis and ended with corruption. Would 2022 witness something different or be just another year of historic recurrence? Hardly couldRead More →

2022 is here. Forty nine years ago we joined our European partners and began building relationships. How many remember what life was like prior to 1973? The vegetables and fruit you ate were seasonal and mums and grannies preserved some for when they were not in season. Family members going to work abroad often lost touch if they couldn’t find time to write. Macaroni cheese was exotic and people like my dad didn’t like it. Slowly over the years my age group expanded our horizons. It became easier to travel abroad, especially the European Union countries. As technology developed so did all sorts of agreementsRead More →

This is traditionally a time when we look back at the year just gone and forward to the new one. On a personal note, this year has seen two major medical procedures, chemotherapy and a change of house. So pretty hectic from January right through and I can only pray that next year brings a bit of much needed calm. Politically, it’s been a strange year, with the relief of getting the aftermath of that trial out of the way, unionists as usual shooting themselves in both feet especially in that committee and a good performance in the General Election. The birth of a new partyRead More →

So Douglas Ross, once more, prefers petty political point scoring to actively co-operating in getting us through this turmoil. His, and Westminster’s attitude continue to strengthen the case to be running our own affairs, completely on our own. The levels of the new strain of the virus are galloping way ahead of it’s predecessors. The science is the only fact we have as the movement of the virus cannot be seen till people test positive. The UK government are ignoring the facts as best they can. The rebellion of the Tory MPs, refusing to bring in further restrictions, was despicable and showed what they reallyRead More →