The psychodrama that has prevailed amongst a minority of the national movement derived from #MeToo, the Alex Salmond affair and slanging matches over a gender recognition bill, which is no longer on the parliamentary timetable, must now stop.  Alex Salmond is innocent of criminal activity but clearly has a tarnished reputation from activities that took place during his time as the inhabitant of Bute House. Behaviour which is unbecoming of the First Minister of Scotland. However, that is now in the past and a line must be drawn under it. Revenge, which now seems to be the priority, is a dish best served cold andRead More →

Last night watching CNN news was compulsive. The USA considers itself to be the leader of Nations. A shining example for us all to aim for. Well one man’s campaign of several years destroyed that yesterday. Since the election in November he has behaved like a spoilt child. In a Nation that positively encourages people to carry arms on a daily basis, their leader uses social media to wind up his supporters to the level that they feel entitled to enter a government building, threaten the staff, trash the place and shoot people. 4 people dead because someone cannot accept defeat at a democratic poll.Read More →

A new poll by Progress Scotland has created a stushie with a resounding message: the vast majority of Scots want decisions about Scotland to be made in Scotland. As SNP Depute Leader, Keith Brown says: “This poll confirms that we are winning the economic argument over Scotland’s future. More and more, people across Scotland believe that independence will not only give us a stronger voice in the world but will also benefit our economy. The threat to jobs and living standards posed by Brexit has eroded any remaining confidence voters had in Westminster having control over Scotland’s finances.” So with a stronger, more compelling caseRead More →

Yvonne Augusta Murgatroyd, DA, WRSA, nee Drew and then MacKinnon Passed away 23rd July 2020 in Kelty, Fife Born 14th June 1920 in London to Augusta and Capt. Jack Drew, RAF. During the first Word War her mother, Augusta, worked as the Chief Female Forager in Norfolk. Her father, Capt. Jack Drew, originally came from Edinburgh, where his father owned a the Coach Building Company based in Gilmour Street, Edinburgh. Capt. Jack Drew’s Father, the coach builder, was married to Nell Stevenson the sister of David Watson Stevenson, RSA, the sculptor of the Wallace statue on the Wallace monument and many other famous statues andRead More →

Well, as the constitutional debate goes on, I allowed my curiosity to get the better of me. We know, or have continually been told , that “Jerusalem” has been England’s sporting anthem – this has always struck me as bizarre, as I could not imagine gangs of shaven headed tattooists warbling away about “And was the holy lamb of God in England’s pleasant pasture seen”, so I checked the web. According to reports it is only the anthem for rugby and cricket not for the football oafs. However surely this is a part of England’s place in the World, and a mythical visit by JesusRead More →

This has been an incredible period for the Independence movement as we now have a succession of 6 opinion polls showing a lead for the Yes campaign.I was particularly struck by two factors in this trend.Stuart Cosgrove in his piece for the Sunday National on 16 August noted that only 68% of those who voted NO in 2014 would do so again and that only 17% of those aged 18 – 24 are opposed to Independence.These are figures which tell of a long-term direction of travel which can have only one possible destination. The figure of only 68% of NO voters staying with that particularRead More →

Riding high in the polls, a political leader with a strong public approval rating, our FM in the world top 5 of women leaders, on course for a general election victory and outright independence majority, the closest we have ever been to our political goal and what could possibly go wrong? For starters, internal division. The suggestion by some independence supporters that the SNP and, by implication or direct accusation, Nicola Sturgeon are not interested in independence beggars’ belief. Polling analysis by Sir John Curtice (no ally of independence), that the sustained lead for independence is gaining momentum and the SNP-led national movement has crossedRead More →

by Lloyd Inglis Text of a Talk Given To The Tomball Rotary Club In Texas, USA – October 2003 Introduction Mr President, ladies and gentlemen, it is a great pleasure to be here today to speak to you on the subject of Scotland’s Geography, Culture & Contribution to the Global Village – a snapshot of 2000 years of history in 20 minutes! In a situation like this, when one looks at ones own country, so often it is a question of perception. Is the bottle half full or half empty? – Or is it whisky or is it cold tea? – Perception! Pleased do notRead More →

It’s part of our daily language just now. Our days revolve around the First Minister’s statement. I was so glad when our Scottish Government decided to take the initiative in dealing with the coronas virus in our country. I am one of the immense band of self employed creators that are going to be among the hardest hit by this, but the bottom line is that if we survive things can be repaired. If we don’t comply, we may not survive. I am finding the media a pain in the proverbial, more so than normal. Severe language is being used inappropriately and the level ofRead More →

Silly old me. I thought that this month the trial being heard in Edinburgh (of which we will not comment during the course of) would be the smokescreen that would hide what Westminster was up to. How wrong could I be? Sadly, something that has a much more profound effect on people has been spreading around the world and arrived here in each of the home countries. The Coronavirus has given the media in each of the UK countries an excuse to go into overdrive. We get a full 15 to 20 minutes on the main British news programmes followed by a further 15 minutesRead More →