Recent images of aircraft landing during Storm Darragh remind us of the skills that pilots need to develop to get through the most inclement weather. It takes years of effort and determination.
To get through the storms we’ve been riding as a movement we require as steady a hand as the most experienced pilot. With grit and an eye on our goal we will get through.
Polls show we are on the rise again. The UK is failing and no matter who is in power the British state will never deliver for Scotland. Instead we see further incursions on our autonomy and the blatant theft of our resources. After only four months in power Scottish voters have been reminded of the duplicitousness of Scottish Labour. Their MPs are a ragbag of unionist fanatics, over promoted councillors and small town provincials. Desperate for approval from the London leadership there’s no policy they won’t back no matter the negative impact on Scotland and its people.
The game is up. They’re reversing in the polls and their smug, self satisfied Scottish branch leader is becoming ever more unpopular. There’s not a chance he’ll be First Minister. He’ll be lucky to be leader by 2026 if the decline continues at this rate. The awards and the plaudits the unionists have given him are empty of meaning. They represent wishful thinking and boosterism. The reality of his status as right hand man to Keir Starmer is there for all to see.
Now to our side. For those of us who have spent decades campaigning for indy this is familiar territory. Politics is always about ups and downs. We went down badly in the face of a relentless propaganda onslaught from the British state and its lackeys. The disgraceful and anti democratic Branchform ‘investigation’ by Police Scotland is still going on. It’s like something from Eastern Europe in the days of the Soviet occupation. Some day soon someone is going to have some explaining to do. And the people who are going to come out on top are not going to be the police.
Politics is an international game. We in Scotland are not separate from global trends. Those who criticise specific people in the leadership of the indy movement and place all the blame on them for the changes in our circumstances need to look outwards. In Catalonia the indy movement has followed the same pattern as here. That’s always how it’s been. No one from the SNP made that happen.
The skills we need to develop as activists are fortitude, loyalty, and the capacity to play a long game. We also need to understand that our opponents are world beaters in employing dirty tactics. So next time you see someone repeating the memes and themes of unionism to attack folk on our side who have given everything to our movement, ask who benefits!
The next few years are going to be stormy. Fear will start to make the unionists more and more desperate. Be aware of that and hold your nerve. We’ll land soon enough and before you know it we’ll be disembarking at a destination called Scottish independence.
Simply put and heartfelt.
The Red tories have indeed been found wanting in all aspects.
Their UK leader displays an incredible amount of incompetence in handling their state. And their branch office teaboy has been shown to be the hollow shell that we suspected.