Recent images of aircraft landing during Storm Darragh remind us of the skills that pilots need to develop to get through the most inclement weather. It takes years of effort and determination.  To get through the storms we’ve been riding as a movement we require as steady a hand as the most experienced pilot. With grit and an eye on our goal we will get through.  Polls show we are on the rise again. The UK is failing and no matter who is in power the British state will never deliver for Scotland. Instead we see further incursions on our autonomy and the blatant theftRead More →

I’ll admit it, I was wrong. Contrary to my predictions, Kamala Harris didn’t win the US presidential elections. I read the polls wrong and let my hope get in the way of my fears. The world waits for the next chapter in the Trump tale. With such an unpredictable character it’s hard to see what will unfold. Two things we do know for sure. First, Trump has a history of falling out with his supporters and advisors, and secondly, this time he doesn’t have to worry about reelection.  It’s distinctly possible that Trump and Elon Musk will be enemies before long. There will be resignations,Read More →

Alex Salmond’s death in North Macedonia from a massive heart attack has led to a period of reflection amongst observers of Scottish politics. Salmond changed Scotland and changed the SNP. His special skill was in making Scottish nationalism about the future. Salmond didn’t want to take our country back, he wanted to move Scotland forward.  The nationalist vision has to be about the future. The Scotland of the present – cut off from the world by Brexit and England’s suffocating self absorption – limits our potential and our development.  Salmond helped many Scots understand that there were multiple possibilities outside the UK. The referendum whichRead More →

After the UK election, establishment commentators like Andrew Marr were talking about ten years of Starmer government. Content with the apparent resumption of normal service, they have dispensed with whatever critical faculties they once had.  Starmer was elected on the flimsiest of prospectuses. Barely a fifth of the population of England voted Labour and the party offered little more than a one word slogan as its programme for government. And since Rachel Reeves has outlined her spending plans, we’ve discovered that the change they’re going to deliver is change for the worse, especially if you’re a pensioner living in Scotland.  The real problem for LabourRead More →

I’m writing this before the results are in and am faced with the difficult task of predicting the election and analysing what it means.  One thing is certain it’s not going to be the best election for the SNP but it’s not going to be any kind of catastrophe either. The party is polling in the 30s and is forecast to win a minimum of 15 seats. Many constituencies are on a knife edge and a lot will depend on local campaigns and turnout.  This is peak Labour after all, the highest their support is going to be. Scotland is always caught in the gravitationalRead More →

Starmer promises a ‘Great British Energy’ company headquartered in Aberdeen while Sunak wants more of our oil and gas to be extracted.  It’s a step forward for the UK political leaders to acknowledge Scotland’s role as an energy producer after decades of pretending our vast resources were worthless. The hypocrisy goes unremarked upon by the MSM, of course, since they’ve been largely complicit in the half century long deception.  Starmer and Sunak can make any number of pledges to Scottish voters but the only people with the power to make these effective are the English electorate. If they choose Sunak that’s who we’ll get andRead More →

Tony Blair came into power on a wave of optimism in 1997. The desire for change was overwhelming. Voters were fed up with Major and wanted the end of 18 years of Tory rule. Of course, we in Scotland had never backed the Conservatives but the end finally came when even middle class voters in southern England couldn’t thole them any longer.  Blair arrived at the start of a period of economic expansion. There was growing confidence and a huge consumer boom. Scottish voters gave their enthusiastic support to New Labour returning scores of Labour MPs to Westminster. Contrary to what some would like toRead More →

In the Joint Declaration on Peace issued on 15 December 1993 the UK government stated that it had no ‘selfish strategic or economic’ interest in Northern Ireland.  Westminster certainly isn’t getting the kind of economic or strategic benefits from Northern Ireland that it gets from Scotland but it’s not certain that they are ready to give up the territory quite yet.  When the DUP finally got round to accepting the results of the last Northern Ireland Assembly elections in February, the British press was full of articles assuring its readers that a united Ireland was never going to happen.  Contrary to its usual complete disinterest,Read More →

The UK msm are determined to pretend the DUP refused to go into the NI government because they were against post Brexit trading arrangements. The truth is they wouldn’t go into government because Sinn Féin won the election.  They refused to accept the result because of what it revealed about the changing nature of Northern Ireland and their place in it. They couldn’t bear the prospect of playing second fiddle to people they consider to be their social and ethnic inferiors. And they can’t accept what SF’s win says about the future of Ireland. Whatever deal they’ve agreed to it’s unquestionable they’ll find a wayRead More →

The recent King’s Speech didn’t include any reference to legislation restricting councils in England from introducing 20mph zones. Sunak had jumped on the Uxbridge by election result believing that it showed that there were voters so exercised by efforts to reduce traffic emissions that it could be turned into a vote winning issue if it was effectively weaponised.  The problem for Sunak is that opinion polling and focus group sampling shows that Tory voters are amongst the most vigorous supporters of restrictions on traffic speeds – especially in the areas they live. Fast cars are fine but not in the leafy suburbs. So the policyRead More →