Farage is a Nat?

Well you have to look at the polls and wonder who this new party is taking on, or absorbing, is it the old Tories, or are they playing at grasp the thistle. There is no doubt Farage is making all populist noises now in Scotland, but what are their views on Independence?  When you’ve stopped laughing, maybe we need to look at this regime more closely.

Don’t ever underestimate Mr F, he is cunning and genuinely wants to be the next Prime Minister, but how does he seduce Scotland with the support for Independence increasing?  He does the most obvious thing, divide and rule.  With the forming of new Independence parties, with the view of weakening the SNP, he is definitely going to infiltrate and orchestrate trouble for all.  Step two will have to be more complex, he will attract a few more Tories into the ranks, maybe the odd disaffected Labour bod, and quietly grow the chance of gaining several seats.  But that will not suffice.  I would think his Manifesto for Scotland will be focussed on bringing industry back, especially steel making, he will promise more jobs in manufacturing, he will target old industrial communities, and offering jam tomorrow.

There is one problem.  The old, working class Scotland has all but gone.  The new Scotland is less reliant on Westminster, and more forward looking.  However, rather than focus on the rich, his votes may be in the most deprived areas, where poverty, not Tory blues, reside.  Hungry for change of fortunes, desperate for solutions, and jam tomorrow sounds pretty good.  We must learn from his previous tactics.  When communities are split, they are ripe for the opportunist.  I have warned about Farage for many years.  I’m probably one of the few who watches and reads every word and action on Scotland by him. You learn from watching your enemies, not your friends.  I’m sure he won’t mind me mentioning him in this piece, but the most important issue in our campaign for Independence is learning from those who are striving to destroy us.  But he is well aware the divide shown in the past weeks, since the death of Alex, means it’s easy to place a wedge in the void, never allowing the wound to heal.  For it’s ironic away from the cut and thrust to gain control of our own country, we don’t see the black corbie sitting watching and waiting to pick out our eyes, and scavenge on our carcass.

There is no point in throwing your slipper at the TV when he comes on, it’s full scale vigilance that’s needed.  Mud slinging amongst the pro Independence activists is manna from heaven to him, and it’s happening and he will feed off it.  Some might even hear sound bites that makes them think let’s see if these steel works will appear, let’s give him the chance.  But like dealers who give out free drugs to young adults to get them hooked, a free handout often has payback.  We will never get Independence with the Tories, Labour or Reform, no matter the promises, however, their combined weight would make an end to our prospects for the next few decades in the Scottish Parliament.  Once every activist, voter or undecided realises the danger, then maybe, the indefatigable Nigel will retreat back over the border to hoover up votes from the currently disaffected English voter. Who share more with us than they realise.  But I doubt it, Reform are already starting to bite into Scottish voting intentions, we must not ignore or decry it but, as with all battles, preparation means a sound strategy which includes meaningful policies that work, something for every community and their needs.  Which is why a one campaign fits all does not work.  Shetland isn’t Selkirk, Arran isn’t Airdrie, Fort William isn’t Falkirk and Glasgow isn’t Golspie. Nobody knows Scotland like we do and it now needs to be personal. So let the fight begin, and show Reform Unionists that sheep in wolves clothing are easily dispatched, humanely of course.  The man needs to know the reintroduction of endangered animals are currently beavers.  They are large furry animals who work for Scotland.  However, we have no intention of adding to our opponents subspecies at this moment.  Watch this space.