Pretty much all General Elections are described as “historic” and “the most important of our lives” etc at various points in their individual campaigns. Every once in a while, it’s actually true! December 12 2019 will undoubtedly be one of them for a number of reasons. Firstly, it will undoubtedly lead to the UK leaving the European Union for a number of years. There is no doubt in my mind that Johnson and his tories will pass the Withdrawal Act within weeks and we will “get Brexit done” by January 31. Whatever that most vacuous of phrases actually means. The hard work of trade dealsRead More →

As I approach 60 I now understand what I did not 20 years ago. I used to wonder at conversations where people talked about living in isolated places, no tv and staying away from people they felt uncomfortable with. Digital technology was a no no to them. Like I said, I now have an understanding of their position. I do a search on the internet to find information, all of a sudden my social media is flooded with associated adverts and suggestions. Unsolicited email and phone calls are now a daily occurrence. On checking the numbers calling they are either totally made up or areRead More →

I remember my father being involved in an earlier renovation of the doocot. He drew up plans (being an architect) that were presumably required for planning permission. My father in law was a supporter of this charity as are my husband and I. This has all been made possible for us by the volunteers who had the vision for the initial project and the stamina to keep it all going over the years. I would therefore like to share with you the press release details released last week for the latest refurbishment of the site. If you have never visited the site you should tryRead More →

When I started this yesterday I should have qualified it by stating how things changed rapidly when in a General Election. I ended up commenting on how hectoring Andrew Neil was to Nicola Sturgeon, talking over her, not listening to answers and generally being more obnoxious than he used to be – or am I just being forgetful? However the next day he did the same to Jeremy Corbyn; Mr Corbyn, like Nicola, kept a calm sough and did not shout back. I wait to see with interest how he behaves against his beloved Boris. To my wife’s great astonishment I did not watch theRead More →

One of the side effects of the lunacy which is Brexit, is that it has highlighted just how differently Scotland and England view Europe and everything about it. We’ve always had the idea, perhaps because of the Auld Alliance etc, that we take a much more positive approach and are more amenable to Europe and Europeans than our Southern cousins. Perhaps because England has tended to view Europe as a source of threat rather than support. Allied to the fact that, especially after the last war, England tended to think that it had no need of foreigners far less to accommodate their needs and developRead More →

Amid much bravado and authority, Nigel Farage dictated terms for his Brexit Party’s engagement in the General Election on 12 December. Boris’s Deal was in effect May’s Deal and was unacceptable. Support No Deal or we’ll stand against you in all 632 GB seats, Farage telt Boris. Fast forward two weeks and Boris has effectively called Farage’s bluff; and the Essex stockbroker capitulated. Now the Brexit Party will only fight non-Tories in the most blatant electoral pact since… the Lib Dems, Greens and Plaid Cymru agreed a deal last week! In Scotland, the removal of Brexit Party candidates is likely to give the Tories aRead More →

The ability to open mouth and not engage brain when dealing with Scotland and the SNP continues to amaze me. Today, Sky broadcasting’s reaction to the SNP’s complaint about not being included in tv debates was to say Scotland is not Britain (according to circulation on social media). The Conservatives seem to be doing a grand job at upsetting ordinary people. Everytime their leaders open their mouth they show a profound inability to understand the majority of people who don’t live in their privileged bubble world. I see the latest thing with the Scottish conservatives is to plaster their literature with their name, photos andRead More →

Remember when Westminster passed legislation that each parliamentary term would be 5 years? Apparently, this was to stop governments from calling elections when they felt the mood of the country was in their favour. Didn’t take long to break that one, did it? Seems to be Mr Johnson’s favourite pass time, breaking the rules and getting away with it. Can’t get anything railroaded through parliament so let’s call for a new parliament that will do what it’s told. He seems to think even the law of the land does not apply to him. What Boris wants, Boris gets! I have Tuesday night as a deadlineRead More →

Among all the cantrips in the weeks up to Halloween Operation Yellowhammer has emerged yet again; to remind readers, this is the panic created by the Government and its toadies to get a deal of any sorts through the House of Commons or be faced with a No Deal scenario. This will be forced on it by a greedy dictatorial EU – well that is their interpretation. Mrs Theresa May was the one who decided to move Section 50, think that is the section, and then had to go bonnet (ladies do not wear caps!) in hand to the EU to agree the terms ofRead More →

There is a re-colonization of UK politics taking place before our eyes. As the more “one-nation” Tories leave the zealots behind and, like an alien life force, take over the Lib Dems. Think Heidi Allen, Sam Gyimah or Philip Lee. What they all have in common is a policy agenda and approach to politics which is shared by the new LibDem ”leader” Jo Swinson. They are all supporters of the broad thrust of anti-social policies so enthusiastically pursued by not only David Cameron’s Tories but by Nick Clegg’s LibDems through the five horrendous years of the coalition. Little wonder that people who still think ofRead More →