Millionaires………………. I have nothing against them, so long as they acquired it legally. There are certainly more of them these days, but they are still in the minority. So why do they think they are best placed to tell the people how they should be living their lives. Certainly we are all guilty (millionaires as well) of wasting money. Some of us are actually tricked into wasting money by people who con us in order to try and become millionaires. Why though is it the right of the better off to assume that the less well off are better at wasting money? I first becameRead More →

The prospect of Yes should inspire first time voters – but how do we reach them and what to say? I should start with a disclaimer – I’m not as young as I used to be, and really hope none of what you’re about to read comes across as patronising! It certainly isn’t intended that way. I was recently speaking to two young male voters on the doorsteps at the Cowdenbeath by election. Both young guys were first time voters, and weren’t sure which candidate they’d be voting for, if at all. I decided to take the opportunity to speak to them about the independenceRead More →

The NO campaign has taken to scaring university staff and students alike this week with scare stories about tuition fees and Research Council funding. If we take university tuition fees for starters. The Scottish Government has said that the current arrangements of charging students from England, Wales and Northern Ireland a tuition fee for university education would continue in an independent Scotland. Scottish students and those from the rest of the EU will continue to access tuition-free education (at undergraduate level at least). The Scottish Government and the higher education lobbying body, Universities Scotland, both agree that there is a European Union concept termed ‘objectiveRead More →

For some time now the Better Together partners have been suggesting that the SNP have put Scotland on Pause.  Yesterday Alex Salmond showed a Scotland far from “on pause”, rather a Scotland of the Possible.  Possible- tackling of inequality and injustice in our society. Possible –  tackling poverty. Possible – a better future for Scotland’s children.  And with the full powers of Independence, possible –  a Scotland that truly is the best country in the world in which to grow up. I was delighted to be able to speak in the Parliamentary debate on Tuesday 7th January on Scotland’s Future where Alex Salmond announced, asRead More →

Commemoration  Day This publication date is the first anniversary of the death of Jimmy Halliday.     Aspiration and Inspiration I am about one third of the way through reading the White Paper, and I am in no hurry to finish it, but finish reading it I will.  One friend who read the introduction commented “It says it all”, but I like the detail.  So far I find nothing to disagree with, and I do not anticipate any fault finding. To put this into context for readers; I joined the SNP in 1966, when I was living in Peterhead.  Up to then I had noRead More →

The other night I watched “A Christmas Carol”, the film of the novel by Charles Dickens.  While the poverty of the Londoners of that era tugged at the heartstrings, it is difficult to accept that the same situation is developing in the 21st century United Kingdom.    We are told by a beaming Scrooge, called George Osborne, that the bad times are past and happiness and prosperity are returning.  The finance bigwigs are licking their chops, positively drooling at the prospect of big fat bonuses;  on the other hand payday loan companies are thriving at a rate never before seen in this country, and we areRead More →

It’s been quite a difficult time in Glasgow – first with the tragic events unfolding as a helicopter crashed into the Clutha Vaults pub, and then with the reaction to the sad loss of Glasgow’s most famous adopted son Nelson Mandela. Both events have dominated the headlines, but the humanity of Scotland’s largest city has shone out to the world. It’s very strange to find not one but two books of condolence laid out in the lobby of the City Chambers, and I was very moved reading some of the comments. So much has already been said about the Clutha tragedy in the media andRead More →

One of the most momentous weeks of my life took a turn for the worse by Saturday morning.  Tuesday’s media launch of the White Paper was a fascinating study in how London-based journalists ‘just don’t get us’ and/or resent the notion that self-determination – which they would support in practically any other part of the world, with gusto – is being espoused within mainland Britain. The difference in how Scottish-based journalists asked a question which showed their understanding of context and complexity was a credit to them. When the likes of the BBC’s Nick Robinson posed a question he sounded like a public school boyRead More →

In the Herald on Sunday Ian McWhirter said of the Scottish Government’s White Paper on Independence, Scotland’s Future, that “Not since the tablets of stone descended from Mount Sinai has any document been more eagerly awaited or expectations greater”. Does he exaggerate? Were the tablets expected when Moses ascended Mount Sinai? As someone who has a 16 year old son I have to say Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows launch may have been a better comparator! Harry Potter launch took place at the National History Museum, “Scotland’s Future” at Glasgow Science Centre.  Both launches captured the world’s attention and imagination, with press reports, liveRead More →

So, former Lord Provost of Glasgow, Alex Mosson, has publicly declared that he will be voting YES next year. According the political editor of The Herald today a press release from YES Scotland states that Mr Mosson said :- “People need to realise that this is not about the S.N.P., Scottish Labour or any other political Party. This referendum is all about us, the people of Scotland, and our right to self determination. Once we achieve independence I’m sure people will start to regain their interest and engagement in politics, and that will be a good thing for democracy. But first we need to findRead More →