It would seem that big money, and those seeking to make big money, are forgetting about us as individuals and what we are battling with.
The biggest offense, not just to Scotland, has been the European Football Championship. Because of all the money invested in this competition countries were forced into going ahead with what UEFA wanted. For fans able to participate this has been seen as a good thing. For those of us still complying with the guidelines of the health advisors and government it has been a concerning time. The coming weeks will confirm what was the right path to follow. Already, within a tight bubble, a team player has tested positive. Fans travelling will have been in a less monitored position. How many will test themselves?
Meanwhile the Mayor of Manchester has entered into a spat with the First Minister about travel restrictions. As a person living in a part of Scotland where tourists flock to, I am concerned about the selfishness of others. When did it become a ‘right’ to have a holiday? I can remember where a holiday consisted of days out if you could afford it. It would seem my right to try and avoid being infected by Covid 19 is being overridden by other peoples right to behave ‘normally’. I am more restricted than ever to my house and garden. I will not be going indoors with strangers this summer. Sorry hospitality, it’s just not worth the risk.
As for Murdo Fraser. Did he really go on Radio Manchester and plead with people to come to Scotland? He is a perfect example of why our voting system needs to be looked at.
If you are reading this you may think I am overly stressing the Covid thing. You are welcome to disagree but as an ex-health care worker I have total respect for how a virus gets out of control. Personally, I think this is a perfect time for people to take a look at how they live their lives. We have all come to assume we can do as we wish when we wish. That we can travel where we want when we want. Given that Brexit is about to seriously restrict your ability to do these things freely, this might be the time to assess your future plans. We have had 2 motor home trips to Ireland cancelled due to personal reasons and Covid restrictions. We now wait to see what new hoops need to be jumped through once we are allowed to travel, or when we feel safe to do so, as we won’t be on the first ferry. We will wait to see how infection rates fall.
While writing this I am listening to the radio and the debate is about staycation. Apparently, there is not enough hotel, B&B and holiday home availability for the demand. All the more reason to remain home. We have booked 3 nights away in motorhome at a site but will not be mingling with others. I may sound miserable but I do not wish to play a part in helping this pandemic to survive. Remember this is world wide and many countries are nowhere near as advanced as us in getting the vaccination rolled out.