The Cheviot, The Stag and the Black, Black Oil

The day had come. I had waited 43 years to see this play. Being 13 at the time I was just too young to go see it.

It had a lot to live up to. I had heard about it over the years from many who had seen it on the very first tour. I was attending this updated production with my other half who had seen the original production at an S.N.P. conference. Many of the then upcoming actors in the production had gone on to be well known quality actors. Could this new production live up to what had become an iconic memory?

I need not have worried. This updated production is as strong and powerful as the original. Talented actors drew in the audience. At the parts of the play that required audience participation there were far more volunteers than required. This may have been due to the large amount of young students present. There was much enthusiasm in some of the more mature audience as well. It was a full house.

Pictures of the power in the actors can be seen on the tour website I am not going to do a resume on the story. It is well known. It’s all about the relation of the people, the land and the landowners. This cast gets the message over loud and clear. It is powerful, funny, emotional and thought provoking.

I was pleased to see so many young folk there. It was obvious they were in organised groups and had what looked like education packs with them. On the way out I asked one of the youngsters if they were there because it is on the school curriculum. She replied, yes. How far we have come since the stifled, British orientated curriculum of my school days.

If you have never seen this play I recommend you do. It covers social and historical political issues that are as relevant today as they were when it was first shown. Indeed as relevant as long as there has been history. Only the characters have changed.

You can see where the play is touring here They may already be fully booked but it really is worth having a look to see if seats are still available