Some days I’m just Fed up biting my tongue, so I’m just going to say my bit and be done with it. Irrespective of what others may say or others may think, I refuse to believe there is no good left in this world.
To be honest, I can’t pretend to understand the atrocities committed each and every day by people who think they can hide behind faith or religion as an excuse for their actions. I know there are good people of all religious persuations and also good people with no religion at all.
There’s lots of voices out there trying to reminding us, that hatred, terror, violence & murder, are NOT what they believe and definitely not what their faith or religion teaches. The hash tag #Not in my name, is trending on social media and rightly so. There are so many people who are totally disgusted by the events in Paris, Beruit, Iraq, Egypt, Syria and many other places worldwide, who want to show solidarity with people effected by these events.
But at the same time as people declare that they are outraged by the acts of terrorism, people are also trying to post crap on my news feed, people who want to attribute blame, point fingers and stir up islamaphobic attitudes.
We need to separate ourselves from the idea that terrorists come from one people group or one religion, because unfortunately we’re able to breed terrorists right here just like any other country. Everyone irrespective of faith or religion, irrespective of ethnic background or skin colour, is capable of violence if that’s what they choose. Its not a Muslim thing or a middle east thing, it’s a human thing.
I can’t point my finger and wag it at anyone else, because I’m no better than anyone else. If we’re choosing one man over another, then why would anyone choose me? If we’re playing that game, the one where we think our opinion is the only opinion, we’ve already taken the first step down the road that leads to being the aggressor. If that’s your way, if that’s your opinion, then I don’t adopt your “ideology”.
If you want me to believe we should shut ourselves off from the world to preserve our security, that we should close all our borders, shut your eyes and close your hearts to the pain of others, the people fleeing war and violence, then I won’t accept your opinion. If you want me to blame the muslims I won’t. Being Muslim does not make you a fanatical radicalised suicide bomber. Being an arsehole who chooses to be led astray by lies and false doctrine does that.
If you disagree with me that’s fine. If you think I’m wrong that’s ok too. If you feel that what I’ve said offends you, then you’re free to make up your own mind. But I believe we can all be better, that we can be the change we want to see, that things can be different. I believe change has got to start somewhere and that somewhere is with all of us. In our attitudes and actions. I don’t pretend to have all the answers, I’ve got many questions & I’m plagued with my own failings, but I want to be open to hope. Why? Because if we give up on each other, if we give up on hope, if we fall into a trap of breeding our own brand of hate in responce, there is no future for any of us. I refuse to believe there is no good left in this world, co’s it’s the only world we’ve got.
This was written by a friend and local SNP activist, Iain Grieve, on his facebook page. I asked his permission to share it here as I believe he shares the same frustrations as many of us. For once I have allowed the odd questionable word as this is a unique time where we all get lost for the right word