Two weeks till the U.K. elections and we are hearing more about what the S.N.P. are about, on the main British news, than we are hearing about what the U.K. parties are offering us. Labour and Conservative parties have become trapped into trying to scare the electorate that the S.N.P. will combine with the other one to make the government from hell. The Lib Dems don’t know what planet they are on and Malcolm Bruce is getting pretty slanderous in his hatred of Alex Salmond. Nicola Sturgeon live on the “national” news programme more than once in the campaign. Who would have thunk it?  Read More →

Thank goodness that this week has seen the last of Prime Minister’s Questions, for the next few weeks at least. I heard William Hague being asked what it was like each Wednesday before going into the chamber. What got me (apart from all the stupid public school nonsense they insist on) was the amount of time that government employees spent preparing for a half hour slanging match in which virtually nothing is achieved. All time that I am sure could be put to much better use doing something constructive for the people of the United Kingdom’s of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.   AllRead More →

Absolutely loving the social media response to the offensive, personal comments made about Nicola Sturgeon at the one day Scottish Labour conference in Edinburgh last Saturday. Our women, men and children dug out the colanders and tin pots from the kitchen cupboards, took pictures and posted them all over the social media sites. I even saw one by a new facebook friend where she made a tin hat for her cat from tin foil. This is what the unionists are missing. HUMOUR! The type of comments made about Scotland, SNP members and voters, and our politicians are perhaps one of the reasons why many peopleRead More →

The pre election silly season is upon us. The main parties are too scared to offer policies that you might want them to actually keep if they get elected, so let’s aim for the lowest common denominator………………DRINK. Are they really being serious? Our government is being bombarded by campaign groups to somehow make the people look after themselves. Over indulgence in all food groups, “healthy drinks”, snacks and alcohol are all having a detrimental effect on the public purse via increased use of A&E facilities, social care in the communities, mobility allowances and other payments made to people who struggle with normal day to dayRead More →

The level of hatred and vile accusations seems to be escalating again and at a time when we were supposed to have been celebrating a peaceful holiday where we are allegedly to be encouraged to think well of others. Some of the statements being made in social media, and in person, are being made by those with little or no understanding of politics or indeed life. They are blindly repeating what they hear or see being said elsewhere. A little like the taunts I got in the school playground in the 60’s because my mother had the audacity to stand for the council. One, sheRead More →

Let me get today’s moan out of the road first. Two nuclear subs nearing the end of their lives are to be moved to the Clyde. One of the main reasons the UK government wanted to secure a no vote. They say that it will bring hundreds of jobs. How? The crew and their families are coming with the subs so no new jobs there. Any children in these families will perhaps help keep schools under threat open, but will this mean new jobs? Ditto with any shops, social amenities etc. If any of these businesses expand there may be new jobs, but there hasRead More →

As I write this I am also preparing a wee talk on the structure of the SNP and how it works for a branch meeting later this week. As of yesterday we now have 223 members. We have had to hire the theatre space at the local high school, just in case everyone wants to come and participate. It is scary but at the same time exciting. Nothing about a branch meeting will ever be the same again, hopefully. Wonder how it will all pan out? What exciting ideas will these new members have? At the same time there is a 6 hour debate happeningRead More →

Well, what a week. Mr Murphy has been egged in Fife. Rumour has it that we, the public, weren’t playing ball by reacting to his rabble rousing tactics so one of his team had to do it for us. The fire set alight at a Glasgow Yes hub wasn’t quite such a humorous matter. There was the distinct possibility life, human or animal, could have been put at risk. On a lighter note, the actor in the better together campaign broadcast turning out to be a yes voter in real life was a real hoot. As she said, it pays the bills and a lessonRead More →

The Commonwealth games have arrived in Glasgow. Whether you think it’s good or bad, it’s a time to put Glasgow and Scotland on the international map. With trepidation we turned on the t.v. to watch the opening ceremony. John Barrowman………………not exactly our cup of tea but we know he is in huge demand for pantomime. Is this boding well we ask ourselves? Karen Dunbar, a bit “in your face” but like some of her stuff. Needn’t have worried really. The ordinary people from various community groups in Scotland stole the show, along with the humour which was definitely Scottish. Good use was made of theRead More →

I had hoped not to have to mention Obama. As I have had to spend so much time this past weekend sitting around with an elevated foot I am fed up hearing what he said. Have the people of the United States of America forgotten the thousands of lives lost in a bloody war trying to gain THEIR independence from Britain? Why is it so appalling for us to be able to do it peacefully through the ballot box? Ooops, BBC just announced on Monday evening that he was asked by the British government to intervene. Has Cameron no shame! Crawling to other world leadersRead More →