Tom Gibson started collating and binding copies of the Scots Independent as far back as the 1940s, we believe (please feel free to correct me if this is inaccurate). When Ian Hamilton became the Business Manager, Kenneth (Ken) Fee was the keeper of the archive collection. At some point Ken suggested that Ian take over this role. We made the trip to Glasgow and transferred the archive to our house. With the help of subscribers, and the Mitchell Library in Glasgow, Ian was able to track down many of the missing issues As younger members joined the board of directors, thoughts turned to more thingsRead More →

Each week you think you have seen and heard it all. Then you get to the next week and go “nope, there’s more”. I find the Prime Minister neither amusing, effective, sexy or indeed anything but an immense embarrassment. I’d go so far as imply he and his little gang are having more of a negative effect on the 4 nations mental health than covid 19 and the restrictions. I don’t think I have ever come across such a serial liar in my life. It has been announced that Lady Mone is being investigated about her VIP tracking to get a PPE contract. What isRead More →

2022 is here. Forty nine years ago we joined our European partners and began building relationships. How many remember what life was like prior to 1973? The vegetables and fruit you ate were seasonal and mums and grannies preserved some for when they were not in season. Family members going to work abroad often lost touch if they couldn’t find time to write. Macaroni cheese was exotic and people like my dad didn’t like it. Slowly over the years my age group expanded our horizons. It became easier to travel abroad, especially the European Union countries. As technology developed so did all sorts of agreementsRead More →

COP 26 has finished. On Tuesday Prince Charles and wife fly out to Jordon on first Royal Tour since our battle started with Covid 19. What happened to all his green talking at the COP? An unnecessary trip just so he can cement relationships with the Royal family in another country. A relationship that already exists and could be caught up with via phone or internet. They are really doing this to show that our Royal family are back to normal and that being British is great. The contrast between the younger generations at COP 26 and our British establishment was glaringly obvious. The youngerRead More →

Those of us who were listening properly to the Brexiteers knew this would come to pass. All our lives are being affected by the bullish and totally unfounded shouting of Britain is Great. They seem to believe that waving lots of flags and blubbering partial sentences, using as big a word as possible in it, will magically make everything okay. I find it unbelievable that there are so many people out there who believe that Britain is a world leader. When was the last time Britain took the lead in something? In all my adult life I only remember them hanging on the coat tailsRead More →

The other day I saw a newspaper article shared on facebook. The article was by Andrew Wilson who was pointing out that it could take 7 years after an independence vote to get any agreement with Westminster. I didn’t follow the link as often you only get part of the article and have to subscribe to read the rest. (I don’t subscribe as I don’t have enough time to read them all)  He seemed to be referring to the way the current Westminster team were being less than constructive in making Brexit work. In my opinion the current squad are not a team, indeed notRead More →

As from the 9th of August most restrictions are to be lifted. We are being asked to continue with masks indoors and crowded places, as well as distancing when appropriate and good hygiene practices. It would seem that Douglas Ross, Conservative leader, cannot understand why we can’t just dismiss all precautions. He wants to Follow Mr Johnson’s lead. Well Douglas, I will tell you precisely why. Last week an online friend in Wales had to go into the office in an English city. She had been working from home for more than 18 months. She survived the office and a meal out with her colleagues. TheRead More →

On Tuesday we have an interview televised with the sacked Mr Cummings. Everything he says about Mr Johnston is actually believable but is it anywhere near true? We have another previous cabinet minister say he sacked Mr Cummings and there are more ‘revelations’ to come. What we have learned during covid, with more time to pay attention, is that the current Conservative cabinet are a different kind of Conservative to those we are used to. I grew up knowing Conservatives as pretty decent people who held different views on certain subjects. In those days we knew only what they let us know. What a differenceRead More →

It would seem that big money, and those seeking to make big money, are forgetting about us as individuals and what we are battling with. The biggest offense, not just to Scotland, has been the European Football Championship. Because of all the money invested in this competition countries were forced into going ahead with what UEFA wanted. For fans able to participate this has been seen as a good thing. For those of us still complying with the guidelines of the health advisors and government it has been a concerning time. The coming weeks will confirm what was the right path to follow. Already, withinRead More →

Today the Scottish National Party published a report.  Social Justice and Fairness Commission: A route map to a fair and independent Scotland  The route map to a fairer Scotland is not a predetermined list of policy decisions for an independent Scotland. It is intended to enable discussion about how we get everybody a fairer place to live with no-one being left behind. It looks at how ways we can change policy making. That our values will be rooted in human rights and equality and that our wellbeing will be foremost on going forward. If you would like to read, or dip in and out of,Read More →