Gone Digital

Welcome to those who have shown an interest in getting your Scots Independent in digital format.

You need to click the shop button above this post. Once on the shop homepage, click newspapers button and click either option in the drop down menu. For the current edtion click on the October issue and click add to cart.(back issues will also be available for a period of time i.e. Septembers issue is also available) You then click the shopping cart button on top right of page, a box appears, click checkout in bottom right corner of box.

You will now be asked if you are a new customer or returning customer. Most of you will be new and will be asked to fill in a registration form. This is so we can keep you updated of further issue releases.

Once this is completed you will be taken through the payment section where the default is to use paypal. If you have a paypal account just enter your password. If you don’t have a paypal account you can still use paypal with your payment card.

Any problems email margaret@scotsindependent.scot or phone 01542 840551

Enjoy your read